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Terri Lee Dolls
I have a friend that wrote the book "Fashionable Terri Lee Dolls" By Peggy Wiedman Casper and that would be Peggy herself. She has also written other books about the value of Terri Lee dolls. The book "Fashionable Terri Lee Dolls" is hard back and hard to find sometimes getting prices of up to $425.00 dollars on or Ebay auctions. It is a hard back book out of print with great references to style and prices of Terri Lee Dolls,this is a signed copy by Peggy. If you find one hang on to it as some day it will be worth more gold. We have a copy of this book here at our site for sale at $375.00 if interested.

Doll Books You Will Recognize
Doll books of antique and modern dolls are good for researching and reference. With these books one can find out information to make decisions on what price to pay for a doll what price to sell one for when purging a collection. Books are important to collectors for many reasons, they can find out what they are buying, How much it sells for, it tells the price they are selling for at auctions and all of these different things create an atmosphere for wanting dolls.
Fashion Doll Books
The Blue Book of Dolls and Values is one of the most popular of the fashion dolls of the 1800's and 1900's. With this book by Jan Foulke you can detremine the approximate value of dolls like you have never heard of before. There are so many valueable dolls and today the collectors of dolls are getting involved to a point of driving prices through the roof. I have never seen such gorgeous dolls and the collectors are taking care to keep them in great condition. Jan Foulke has Blue Book editions from the beginning through the "16th Blue Book of Dolls and Values". If you are interested in getting one of her books that are also out of print, you will need to look some place like auctions or used book stores. We have a few copies here at our web site. The complete set would be valued at oround $600.00 if purchased seperately. buy this set today for $275.00
There are doll books for collecting paper dolls like "A Collector's Guide to Paper Dolls" By Mary Young. there are also books by Cynthia Erfurt Musser that have some great information and cutouts in them. Paper dolls that are rare comand a very good price and sometimes are found in the most unusual places. If you study the books before you go to sales or clean out your old attic you will know what you are looking at. In the early 1980's I remember seeing in pictures Jeanette MacDonald paper doll book and I think at that time it was about $50.00 dollars, so what is something like that worth today. I guess only the owner knows the real value. We have some paper doll books and guides for collecting here at our site in our product section.