About Us
Pink Singer Featherweight Sheryl Lynn sewing machine is a project for research and a cure for breast cancer. We repaint and sell the Pink Singer 221 sewing machine and give donations to the Susan G. Komen Breast and other Cancer Foundations. People collecting or trying to purge their collection find us useful in answering questions about their collections. We are in the process of setting up databases for collector's information to help others find outlets for their collections. If we are successful and you enjoying our site and it is a big hit with new collectors when gaining knowledge on their new collector items, come back and see us often. If your new at this and want to learn more about the little Pink Singer Featherweight sewing machine called Sheryl Lynn keep reading other pages on this site. I have great resources you can click on and find out almost anything you want to know about Singer sewing machines.
I have worked in the sewing machine industry for the bigger part of my life and as a young man I went with my father as he repaired and sold sewing machines for Singer Sewing Machine Co. When I was very young about the age of four my father would bring home sewing machines he traded-in and give them to me to take apart and put back together. As I grew up I earned a living after school working on the repair of sewing machines. During my service career in the 1960's part time I worked for a Singer dealer selling the Singer and other major brands. After getting out of the service I went to work for the Singer Co. So you see I have a back ground in the sewing machine business and will not sell anyone something that is not a good product. Many of the things I sell are reconditioned and many are machines I purchase from families who have no use for the machine anymore.
If you have a website we invite your linking to us and we will in return link to your website.
thank you,
Hello I am Duane, Bob is my father-in-law and this is his website but I am taking care of it since he is away a lot of the time on business. We have had people wondering why he has a Omaha address but a South Dakota address on this website. I live here in Harrisburg South Dakota and I have most of all the inventory at my location so I will be the one you will be talking with when looking for parts or buy sewing machines. If you have sewing machines & attachment you want to sell I can help you with that.
If you have any questions please ask and I will do my best to help, thank you.