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Singer Featherweight Sales Selling as of Janurary 1st,  2025

Singer Featherweight Sales Selling as of Janurary 1st, 2025

Singer Featherweight 221 made Oct. 3 1933 Restored. This machine sews a great stitch quietly with ease. It has stood the test of time looking like this after 90 years of sewing. If you are looking to buy a Singer 221 Featherweight this machine will please you in every way. It is a collector's dream.  It will only increase in value as time goes on. As you might have seen in the past 10 years the value has grown up greatly, making this machine very valuable. Any Singer collector will know this is a first run machine with a serial number of ( AD548485 ). You can go to my website  store ( to buy this machine.



Singer Pink for Breast Cancer

Singer Pink for Breast Cancer

Singer Sewing Machine Co. is a great company making sewing machines for many years. Taking one of their models and painting it pink for the purpose of helping with Breast Cancer Research is one of my desires in life. That said here is one of the little Pink Singer Featherweight 222 sewing machines to help in that cause. Looking for the cure so no ladies ever go through this problem again. The price of this beautiful little Singer Featherweight 222 is something that will just increase price and value because they are getting very hard to find in any color. Now listed for $3750.00 Call now to make a purchase of this machine. 
Singer 222k $3750.00

Singer 222k $3750.00



Singer Powder Coated Finish Machines Can be Bought at my new site Name ( )
Phone- 605-359-8939