We Buy Singer Featherweight 221 or 222 Machines.
Singer featherweight sewing machines, we buy machines, attachments and parts here for a fair price. If you are looking to sell A Singer Featherweight 221 or 222 we buy machines weekly. We also buy attachments and parts machines.
You save auction fees, advertising fees and other fees if you sell to us. The average price for a 221 at retail is around $190 dollars. Save the hassel of listing with an auction you will come out about the same after "Fees"
If you are interested in selling your featherweight you can contact us we usually pay from about $200 dollars with a nice machine, Singer 221 instruction manual, Singer featherweight attachments and a featherweight carrying case. If the machine is lesser quality we adjust the price and most machines we pay not less than $140 dollars plus $15 dollars for shipping your machine. Some machines we will pay up to $250. We always pay a fare price so email to duanesechser@hotmail.com or call me at 605-359-8939

Singer 222
This singer 222 free arm is a nice machine but as you see it has no instruction manual, or attachments with it and although it is a machine worth around $900 dollars the machine is worth less because the book cost at least $75 dollars to get and the attachments cost from $75 to $100 dollars. The have special attachments like the embroidery foot and hoop sometimes are with the machine and these are another $75 each making the book regular attachments and embroidery attachments subtract at least $300 dollars from the machine when selling it. This machine is worth around $550 dollars as seen in the pictsure.