Doll Aritsts
Doll Artists have the knowledge to bring the doll to life in a manor that is pleasing to most. On this page you will find a search list that will connect you to doll artists and some of their work. Doll artists find ways to create the face that has not been seen before or the combination of body and face that has us under a spell. We just can not resist to buy certain dolls we come accross and that is why they are able to make doll after doll. Doll makers are willing to invest in good quality work produced by artists with the touch. Doll artist like Joke Grobben make one of a kind and limited edition dolls that sell as popular items because we think they are wonderful works of art. Collectors have their favorite artist and they seem to enjoy collecting from those artists. I enjoy collecting from several artists, in fact I enjoy collecting more than doll from each artist. If I think a doll will grow in value in time, I will take a chance an buy a doll that I feel might be a hit in doll collectors eyes. It is people like you and I that help artist grow in populairty. What we are looking for from artist is something that is out of the ordinary, maybe something from the past, maybe something from the future or maybe just the same thing done better than the original artist made it. In most cases the original artist's production is the one that wins out. In the collectors mind the orginal is the original and they seem to try to collect the orginal production. I have started a list of artists and will keep adding to it as I learn more about other artists. In the mean time I hope you can find the artist and the infromation you are looking for on the artist or the art you are looking for.