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The Terri Lee Doll Collectors


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Fashionable Terri Lee Dolls

Fashionable Terri Lee Dolls

"Fashionable Terri Lee dolls" were produced starting in 1946 when the materials for making dolls were hard to come by. They have been an American Icon for years, Like hotdogs, apple pie and chevrolet  they have had ups and downs, but they have survived to become a wonderful collector doll. From the smallest to the larger ones they have used materials that have not been as successful in maintaining the luster of the doll through time. Some of the materials after wwll were made to last well. They changed to dolls that would last through the ages as collectors take them in and redress them to match their likes. Terri Lee Dolls may not be quite as fashionable as the fashion dolls made of bisque porcelain, china and other popular materials in the earlier centuries like the Jumeau, Bru, Steiner, or Huret dolls, but they do hold their value quite well. Fashion dolls seem to be in great demand at this point in time and will be sought after for ever, of that you can be certain. Lets us not forget the apple pie of America the Terri Lee dolls and for this I have devoted a search page to the Terri Lee Dolls and the author of the book "Fashionable Terri Lee Dolls".

Terri Lee Cowgirl Doll

Terri Lee Cowgirl Doll

Peggy Weidman Casper has this wonderful doll that I pictured at a quick moment with Peggy. We visited for a bit and took one of her dolls down for a picture. Peggy is such a wonderful lady to take time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions and visit about her dolls. As I visited with her we found we have common likes and one of them is the natural like for dolls. She is teaching me things that has taken her years and years to learn. I am very lucky to have a friend Like Peggy Weidman Casper. For more information and sales on Terri Lee Dolls go the the Terri Lee doll page found on the bar at the left on the home page.
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