Singer 221
Click following ebay links to see my singer featherweight sewing machines on ebay this week. and my other sales. Singer Featherweight 221, 221J, 222 and others. Click the Ebay Box below with my ads and it will take you to my sales this week.

Singer Featherweight 221, 222
If you are interested in purchasing a Singer Featherweight 221 or 222 sewing machine, choose the shopping cart and follow the directions to pay by Paypal or credit card. We have weekly sales on eBay and on this site under our PRODUCTS PAGE. You can also contact me at Thank you for visiting and come look around anytime. Be sure to add me to your favorites so you can return with ease.
Singer for years was the sewing machine that everyone desired. It meant quality and you could be assured that you had the best if you had a Singer sewing machine. A portable is a small sewing machine to carry from place to place making it desireable to have one. The small featherwieght singer portible sewing machine # 221 was introduced on October 3, 1933 and became very popular to college girls, quilters and collectors. The 221 and the 222 were the best light weight Singer's ever put out given the size, durability and quality of stitch. We are interested in earlly antique models and these 221 or 222 which are also called featherweights. If you want to sell your featherweight we are willing go give up to $200.00 for your machine with a carrying case instruction book and attachments. You can email to get in contact with us at Even if your little featherweight is not working. We will even take them in a basket we will pay a fair price. Parts are also wanted and we need carrying cases for them. I love the little featherweights and love to put them back to the the condition you would like to see them in.
I started working with my father in the early 1950's as a young boy and Singer was the number one brand at that time and still is today. I have a collection of singer portables that incude some of the early and late models of singer. The white or mint green some want to call them. I have the tan models and I have some free arm featherweights called 222. If you are interested in what the year your sewing machine is or the model number of it email me at check my MODEL SINGER PAGE. I can give you information on any Singer featherweight you have and if I can't I will try to find out what you desire. Remember to email us about the 221 or the 222 model Singer featherweight if you are interested in selling your featherweight.
Singer featherweight 221 and 222's sewing machines are the most collectible sewing machines on the market today. There are wonderful high-end machines with glossy finishes that collectors want, complete with their sewing manual, oil can, attachments, and other gadgets like the button holer and zig zagger. Qilters are also among the people that want a bright and shiny featherweight with all of the bells and whistles. There are others like sewing teachers, college girls, house wifes and crafts makers that have a need for this wonderful little sewing machine. I have the expertise to take these little machines to the level it takes to satisify the needs of most of these people. We want little singers that you may be having trouble selling because of their condition. We are interested in any of the little singer featherweights. We will take the parts machine that someone is holding all of the machine parts in a bag or basket and make them useable for different classes of singer featherweight groups. Email us at or drop us a letter in our email.
Bob Oshel
1802 N. 177th St,
Omaha, NE 68118