The head ------------ $66.00
The foot control ----- $28.00
The Tension --------- $14.00
The Face Plate ------ $39.00
The Spool Holder --- $19.00
The Feed Dog ------ $03.00
The Pressure Foot -- $05.00
The Motor ---------- $80.00
The Tail Plate ------- $40.00
The Rotary Hook --- $38.00
The Race Assy. ----- $65.00
The Bobbin Case --- $45.00
The Carrying Case -- $60.00
The Light Assy. ----- $28.00
The Needle Holder - $04.00
The Thread Cutter -- $03.00
The Bobbin Winder - $08.00
The Thread Guide ---$02.00
The Attachments ---- $25.00
The Oil Can --------- $10.00
The Buttonholer ----- $15.00
The User Manual ---- $25.00
The Grease ---------- $9.00
Total____ $.00

Parts List to Restore to Original Condition
The shipping cost will add another $150.00 to all of the parts. This will add up to about $600.00 dollars just to get the parts to start putting this cute little featherweight back together again.
If you went to the Singer Sewing Machine Company for these parts the prices will be at least twice as high priced as on ebay.
What is the reason anyone would want to strip such a wonderful little sewing machine down to the bare head? I think I know the answer to that question and it all boils down to money. If you go to my page titled Singer featherweight and hit choose you will see an option for Featherweight Doctor and it shows how I buy and reassemble The Singer Featherweight from the bare head to new from factory quality machines.
What makes me want to put them back together? I grew up in the sewing machine business. My father was a Singer sewing machine man who repaired and sold the Singer for years and as a child I was given sewing machines for toys. I would take them apart and put them back together again. In middle school I went to an appliance store after school and repaired sewing machines for part time work. When I got out of the service after Vietnam in the 1960’s I went to work for a Singer dealer in Monticello IN. Yes I am a professional sewing machine repairman. I can take apart sewing machines and put them back together again in my sleep making them sew like a dream and make the best stitches of anyone. I pride myself in that fact and I love the little featherweight sewing machine and I can’t stand to see such a little wonder being taken apartment to be used or thrown away if people can’t get them back together again. So some people take them apart and I put them back together again. You will be the benefactor of buying a sewing machine that has been completely taken apart and reassembled again after being cleaned and oiled by a professional sewing machine mechanic.